CEE 225b Transportation Planning Models II
Spring 2018: Michael G. McNally (mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu) [17300]

Project: || Prior Study | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 | Task 5 | Tasks 6-9 | Deliverables | CEE225b

The Miasma Beach Transportation Model


The primary objective of Tasks 1-5 is to develop and validate a travel forecasting model for Miasma Beach. The model system utilizes 2010 household travel survey data to estimate Trip Generation models and to apply Time-of-Day factors. An existing Trip Distribution model is utilized. The model system is validated using 2010 trip counts and selected screenlines.

6.1 Model Critique
Provide a critique of the Miasma Beach Transportation Model. The critique should focus on differences between the Miasma Beach model and state-of-the-practice methods for each of the model's steps. The critique should identify where improvements could be made in the model system, and these improvements should be ranked in terms of both estimated effectiveness and application efficiency. You should consider both existing model components as well as potential methods and models that are not currently part of the model system

6.2 Recommendations
Based on your evaluation of the Miasma Beach Transportation Model, prepare and justify a set of modeling recommendations to the Miasma Beach City Council. Your recommendation should include the top three model improvements identified, as well as a brief plan to implement one or more of these improvements as part of Task 8.



Develop and apply feedback for the 2010 Miasma Beach model. Both Direct Feedback, as discussed in class, is applied first. The direct feedback method is not guaranteed to converge but tends to for the simply Miasma Beach network. The MSA method will compute a running average of the results from subsequent feedback iterations, and will converge. It is not necessary to average trip distribution results.

Task 7.1 Feedback: Direct
Apply direct feedback beginning with the results for the 2010 Miasma Beach project. Complete a minimum of 5 iterations or apply a reasonable convergence criterion. Each iteration must include:

  1. results of the base MB model, displayed in tabular and graphical form
  2. tabulated computations of link volumes and updated link travel times, appending each new iteration to the TransCAD dataview table
  3. network plots showing link volumes by iteration and updated travel times
  4. aggregate statistics illustrating process convergence
  5. A comparison to the results without feedback

Task 7.2 Feedback: Averaging
Apply feedback with averaging beginning with the results for the 2010 Miasma Beach project. Complete a minimum of 5 iterations or apply a reasonable convergence criterion. Each iteration must include:

  1. results of the base MB model, displayed in tabular and graphical form
  2. tabulated computations of link volumes, averaged link volumes (via MSA), and updated link travel times, appending each new iteration to the TransCAD dataview table
  3. network plots showing link volumes by iteration and updated travel times
  4. aggregate statistics illustrating process convergence
  5. A comparison to the results without feedback



Potential projects topics are available, including recommended model extensions/enhancements for Spring 2018. Your selection should be reflected in your model critique in Task 6.



9.1 Final Report
Develop and submit a comprehensive Final Report. Incorporate material from all project tasks as part of this final document. All standards for report presentation must be met (see Format Guidelines).

The report should include a clear description of the inputs and outputs of each task (table, matrices, and maps). Utilize maps and other graphics to better present your results. Your report is to be submitted to the City of Miasma Beach via the City Transportation Director. Both a paper copy in a 3-ring binder and an e-copy (doc or pdf) must be submitted.

9.2 Final Presentation
Develop and present a Powerpoint summary of (a) the Task 1-5 Model Development and Validation; (b) Task 6 Model Critique; (c) Task 7 Feedback; and (d) Task 8 Model Extension/Enhancement. You will have 15 minutes to present and five minutes for questions. A copy of your slides (ppt or pptx) must be submitted.

Further details will be provided by Week 8.

9.3 Model Methodology Lecture
Develop and submit a Powerpoint lecture of the methods and models utilized in your model extension/enhancement for Miasma Beach. This presentation is not about your application results for Miasma Beach; rather, it is about the theory and practice of the methods and models utilized. These slides could be used directly in a presentation to a professional organization, conference, or journal, or presented as a webinar to an audience of professional modelers and planners.

The lecture shoule be for 60 minutes, meaning about 60 slides. Since you will not be directly giving the presentation, each slide should contain details and not just "bullets" (it is recommended that you utilize the "notes" option in Powerpoint so the comments that you would normally make in an oral presentation are instead included as written comments).

You must submit a e-copy (ppt or pptx) of you lecture slides by 25 May 2018.


Miasma Beach Project -- Tasks 6-9 [ back to top ]

[ | Last modified: 2 April 2018. Modified by: MGM / TransCAD Version: 7.0 | terms of use | © mgm ]