Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine
CEE 225B Transportation Planning Models II

Spring 2018 [Course Code: 17300]
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu>
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Instructor: Dr.MG McNally mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu
Office:AIRB 4048 Wed
2:30-3:20 pm
Classes:AIRB 4080 Mon & Wed3:30-4:50pm


Design and application of comprehensive transportation models. Network development, demand modeling, and equilibrium assignment. Model calibration, validation, prediction, and evaluation. Regional modeling, site impact analysis, and circulation studies. Design of transportation alternatives. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.


This course will present advanced transportation modeling tools, building upon fundamental material from CEE 123/223 Transportation Systems III: Planning and Forecasting. CEE 225B students will complete selected exercises and will perform a major extension or enhancement to the CEE 123 Miasma Beach exercise.


  1. Pre-requisites
    CEE 123/223 Transportation Systems III: Planning and Forecasting or the equivalent, and sufficient computer familiarity, programming skills, and statistics to complete an advanced travel forecasting project.

  2. Texts
    Ortuzar & Willumsen (2011). Modeling Transport (4th) Wiley (recommended reference).

  3. Exams
    Final Exam: tba (if necessary)

  4. Deliverables/Grading
    The following deliverables (dates tbd):
    1. 40% -- Methodology Lecture Slides (Week 8)
    2. 20% -- Project Presentation: Enhancement/Extension (Weeks 9-10)
    3. 40% -- Feedback & Extension Project Report (due: Friday, 8 June 2018)

  5. Term Projects
    Project: The travel forecasting project is the center piece of this course. The software of choice is TransCAD, a PC-based GIS for transportation that is installed in the Civil Engineering Computer Lab in ECT123 and on PCs in ITS. Individual copies of TransCAD are not available. Projects must be completed independently or, with my approval, in teams of two. There will be informal reports during the quarter, a final presentation at the end of the quarter, and a comprehensive final report due 8 June 2018).

    Methodology Lecture Slides: Each student will develop slides for a 1-hour lecture in the general methodological area of their selected project enhancement/extension.

    All project reports and presentations must be prepared professionally (see guidelines).

  6. Web Site
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