PATH Center for ATMS Research at UC Irvine

The PATH ATMS Center at UC Irvine was created to support PATH research activities within the ATMS Testbed at UCI. The Center coordinates and assists in PATH ATMS research that utilizes the Testbed resources, providing a liaison among the various Testbed partners and the PATH researchers and ensuring that test design and operation are supported by the Testbed. In cooperation with PATH researchers, the Center helps to design specific tests conducted in the Testbed that are incorporated in PATH projects.

The Center hosts two full-time PATH researchers whose general responsibilities are focused on applications of ATMS in the Testbed environment. Under the supervision of the PATH ATMS Center Director, the PATH Researchers assigned to the PATH UCI ATMS Center are generally responsible for ensuring that the functional capabilities of the Testbed are designed, developed and maintained in a manner that complements and enhances the ATMS research objectives of the PATH program. Under the direction of PATH faculty researchers and the Testbed management, they are generally responsible for software enhancements to the Laboratory "bench-top" system for modeling and evaluating ATMS.

The following general tasks are conducted as part of the overall responsibilities of the PATH ATMS Center at UCI:

1. Assist in the design, development and maintenance of the functional capabilities of the Testbed in a manner that complements and enhances the ATMS research objectives of the PATH program.

2. Coordinate and assist PATH ATMS research that utilizes the Testbed resources.

3. Provide a liaison among the various Testbed partners and the PATH researchers to help ensure that test design and operation are supported by the Testbed.

4. In cooperation with PATH researchers, help to design specific tests conducted in the Testbed that are incorporated in PATH projects.

5. Represent the interests of PATH to the various Testbed management and technical committees.

6. Manage and develop the UCI ATMS Laboratories and the associated communications network linking it to the physical Testbed.

7. Develop necessary software enhancements to the Laboratory "bench-top" system for modeling and evaluating ATMS.

8. Prepare Annual Report documenting activities conducted during the year in conjunction with the PATH research program.