Links to Microsimulation Models

  • AIMSUN2 (Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non-Urban Networks) by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and TSS, Barcelona, Spain.
  • CORSIM by the FHWA, USA.
  • FOSIM - A micro-simulator developed at the Technical University of Delft, Netherland
  • HIPERTRANS funded by European Commission DGVII.
  • HUTSIM by Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.
  • MicroSim by the University of Cologne, Germany.
  • MITSIM - A MIcroscopic Traffic SIMulator developed at MIT.
  • OLSIM - An urban micro-simulator based on Cellular Automata, developed by the University of Duisburg.
  • PADSIM - A parallel micro-simulator developed at Nottingham Trent University Computing Department.
  • PARAMICS - A parallel micro-simulator originally developed by the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre at the University of Edinburgh and SIAS Ltd. It has subsequently been further developed and marketed by both Quadstone Ltd and SIAS Ltd. Both SIAS and Paramics distribute the software wordwide. SIAS has exclusive rights in the UK and Ireland, Quadstone has the sole rights in USA, Argentina, Japan and Singapore.
  • PELOPS - A sub-microscopic simulation program developed at the Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen.
  • PLANSIM-T - A parallel micro-simulator developed at the University of Cologne.
  • SHIVA - A microscopic simulator for testing intelligent vehicle algorithms.
  • SimTraffic - A micro-simulation tool developed by Trafficware.
  • SMARTAHS and SMARTPATH - Micro-simulation tools developed as part of the PATH program at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • TRANSIMS - A US Department of Transportation funded micro-simulator developed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • TRITRAM - A traffic simulator developed by CSIRO and the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales.
  • VISSIM - A micro-simulator developed by PTV System, Germany.

Related Sites

  • Caltrans: California Department of Transportation
  • PATH: California PATH (Parthers for Advanced Transit and Highways)
  • NGSIM: FHWA's Next Generation Simuiation (NGSIM) Program
  • CalIT2: California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
  • ZEVnet: Zero Emission Vehicle-Network Enabled Transport


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